CurlyCode performance

6 04 2011

This will be the first official performance with my 3d realtime drawing application. I started this project 2 years ago, but now iam making an improved version with several new additions.

the performance takes place during the screenplay event this saturday.  Music made by one of the earliest hungarian electronic musician, who lives in Berlin as well (Gabor Deutsch -Anorganik,Raster)

CurlyCode links:

Screenshots from the beginning.

Creative application article

and here is the first video presentation what i made with CC.:

dis-play 10

21 07 2010

I played a 30 minutes A/V performance with LOD during the dis-play festival at the cervantes institute Berlin.

It was a real improvisation, we didnt met before, but worked well.

I made a custom patch for the performance with some of my classic generative thing and with some new one, but for the first time i used ‘PXN‘ as an effect unit for this kind of minimalistic-generative content.

The pure QC patch (no vdmx this time) gave me really high resolution and minimum 25fps.

For the PXN effect unit i used the ‘read pixel’ from Kineme GL tools. Really fast and no bug at all (this time after several dark minutes i switched back to leopard for this performance).

for control i used iphone with a custom TouchOSC layout (made for this patch), and my wii controller for the WIP. This time i used mostly Datamosh for the WIP draws.

It was real fun, good music and really nice audience.

in preparation: generated cities A/V performance

6 03 2010

After serpendity (what is still available), iam working on a new A\V. Generated cities is the working title, and i really try to present an alpha-beta version, during the b-seite festival.

here is a screenshot from the chapter 4.:

glitch pattern generator

22 11 2009

If you wish to generate some glitch-patterns from your webcam or from existing mov-files, and you have osx leo or later then pls. scroll down, download and try it. (alpha!!!)

ok then, let see how does it works:

1. after the start up screen push command+i

2. you will need a source, the movie is the default (so you need to drop a ‘mov’ file to the ‘dropyourmovie’ field), or choose the webcam with the ‘movie/live’ switcher.

3. in this version you have pixel or(and) line renderer (you can switch with the enable)

4. there are 3 different play modes as linear (rendering from left to right) or glitchy mode or the symmetrical player.

5. you can apply effects from the list.

6. with the adjust of the ‘resize’ methods you can get different results and also you can animate the ‘resize pixels high’ with the switcher ‘animatehigh’. After enable the animate you can use the slider to adjust the level of the animation.

7. line offset is easy, working in ‘enableline’ mode, but if you animate with the ‘animateline’ switchers, the sliders are working only with bigger number then zero.

8. if you have some nice result stop with the ‘run’ switcher and make a screenshot (now its just working with the command+shift+F4) later will be picture renderer.

9. if you have a nice screenshot, don’t forget to send me, i will be more than happy:)

10. pixelnoizz switcher is working in pixelmode.

tip: try it with more combinations and use different movies (old film, black background animation or whatever)

Conclusion: its a toy, a test application for glitch and non glitch lovers. 

Made with quartz composer. Credits: Kineme GL tools, Vade‘s movie loader (saved the project) and glitch (for glitch effect) and Toneburst‘s reflect (for symmetrical player).

more pictures:

Picture 40

every start is difficult

12 09 2009

Working on the Balaton-project and preparing the showcase of  the CurlyCurly for Bologna, i don`t have too much time for the ‘new QC’. That means i have already started couple of projects, but they are  not  big issues.
But finally this afternoon, i made some tests with the ‘mesh’ tools.
Screen shot 2009-09-12 at 6.37.02 PM

The ‘get mesh component’ seems very handy (and missed from the previous version), but earlier i couldnt find my way to utilizz it. Well now, i used it to generate the coordinates of  the input objects (collada what else), and as Kineme GL tools are (thanks God-Hashim) SL-compatible, i was able to rebuild  3d objects with lines, points and triangles.

Screen shot 2009-09-12 at 6.55.20 PM

From this point the formula was so easy as i just needed to generate an alternative structure and interpolate the coordinates between the 2 structures.

And yes, we have many ‘built-in’ mesh deformers as well, to play with (noizz, jiggle, twist, wave and more).

So what now?

lets use the new INTERACTIVE possibilities:

open an object first, after manipulate with the interactive possiblities, as the vertices from this point are modifiable by ‘get and set mesh component’. What more, in QC4 you are able to manipulate each instance in a structure by the new interactive possibility.

Screen shot 2009-09-12 at 6.57.22 PM

And its just the beginning:)

UnCredited performance of mine

6 09 2009

Yes thats it. Browsing vimeo, finding archive from vjfestist2008 (istanbul) with ‘my performance’. Wow i sad. They uploaded it. Nice, but where iam, its ok that we did with littlegenie togeother, and many people were dancing, and generating the pictures, but hoho it was me who patched this in isadora. And yes thats me who standing behind the computerand testing the greenscreen. What happend? Iam fired from my performance:)

Here is the gui what i made for it. Its a motion tracking system, what can generate new forms, from pictures, movies, fonts. Utilizing the new (it was new in 2008) particle system of Isadora. I participated in an advanced workshop of Mark Coniglio,who made take care, to let us understand what’s going on with advanced features.


Well thats it. Sad story, isn’t it? I hope they are going to correct it.  And yes here is the video what i’am talking about:
[VIMEO 3117174]

CC Statement

28 08 2009


After having presented my software at the event named Share.Berlin (thanks Tofa and Ilan for the possibility), and talking to a few people i decided to write the followings as a statement.
1. CurlyCode (CC) is a non commercial software. It is a media art project of mine.
2. CC is the realization of my way of thinking and visualizing. The let people to acces to it or use it is like a giving a piece from miself.
3. CC is a very complex 3D, realtime drawing application, with several drawing effects (some of them are audio reactive) , shaders, and postFX-s.
4. CC is BlackandWhite or greyscale now.
5. CC allows you to make a gestural expression of the influence the music made in you.
6. CC is the most direct relation with screen via tablet.
7. There are no complicated interfaces, just the keyboard and 8 knobs or faders or iphone.
8. CC engine is ready and will not be chaged until i goin’ deeper in Quartz Composer 4., but i will add some more effects and shader, to multiply the number of the combination.
9. CC is very similar to me. Curly and sometimes very chaothic.





After having presented my software at the event named Share.Berlin (thanks Tofa and Ilan for the possibility), and talking to a few people,  i decided to write the followings as a statement.


1. CurlyCode (CC) is a non commercial software. It is a media art project of mine.

2. CC is the realization of my way of thinking and visualizing. The let people to acces to it or use it is like a giving a piece from miself.

3. CC is a very complex 3D, realtime drawing application, with several drawing effects (some of them are audio reactive) , shaders, and postFX-s.

4. CC is BlackandWhite or greyscale now.

5. CC allows you to make a gestural expression of the influence the music made in you.

6. CC is the most direct relation with screen via tablet.

7. There are no complicated interfaces, just the keyboard and 8 knobs or faders or iphone.

8. CC engine is ready and will not be chaged until i goin’ deeper in Quartz Composer 4., but i will add some more effects and shader, to multiply the number of the combination.

9. CC is very similar to me. Curly and sometimes very chaotic.