movie box-installation

28 10 2011

I was more then honored to make an installation using the movies of Gabor Body. His work is not just giving me always true inspiration, but helping me to understand better the balance between moving image, experimentalism and philosophy. One  experiment of mine inspired by him is generatied cities.

In this case i designed a movie box, kind of real enviroment. The visitor can enter to this space and see the films from a different perspective.


The final version will have an interactive option: the user can manipulate the perspective a bit with movements. This installation is part of a super big exhibition. Details are here.





Abused Images

13 10 2011

I took part in the exhibition called “abuse images” in hungary. There are 5 prints and some animated gifs from my triangle experiments, mentioned earlier.

The concept is very interesting, because this exhibition is more like a photographic biennial , but none of the artists made any photo based image composition, most of them used different image corruption technics, lets call it failures.

My notion was to involve generative forms with artifacts.

click to see the animation.

and here is a video what i made with the same patch: