patch no. 272 and 279

25 11 2009

glitch pattern generator

22 11 2009

If you wish to generate some glitch-patterns from your webcam or from existing mov-files, and you have osx leo or later then pls. scroll down, download and try it. (alpha!!!)

ok then, let see how does it works:

1. after the start up screen push command+i

2. you will need a source, the movie is the default (so you need to drop a ‘mov’ file to the ‘dropyourmovie’ field), or choose the webcam with the ‘movie/live’ switcher.

3. in this version you have pixel or(and) line renderer (you can switch with the enable)

4. there are 3 different play modes as linear (rendering from left to right) or glitchy mode or the symmetrical player.

5. you can apply effects from the list.

6. with the adjust of the ‘resize’ methods you can get different results and also you can animate the ‘resize pixels high’ with the switcher ‘animatehigh’. After enable the animate you can use the slider to adjust the level of the animation.

7. line offset is easy, working in ‘enableline’ mode, but if you animate with the ‘animateline’ switchers, the sliders are working only with bigger number then zero.

8. if you have some nice result stop with the ‘run’ switcher and make a screenshot (now its just working with the command+shift+F4) later will be picture renderer.

9. if you have a nice screenshot, don’t forget to send me, i will be more than happy:)

10. pixelnoizz switcher is working in pixelmode.

tip: try it with more combinations and use different movies (old film, black background animation or whatever)

Conclusion: its a toy, a test application for glitch and non glitch lovers. 

Made with quartz composer. Credits: Kineme GL tools, Vade‘s movie loader (saved the project) and glitch (for glitch effect) and Toneburst‘s reflect (for symmetrical player).

more pictures:

Picture 40

n.e.m.o. project initiated

20 11 2009

n.e.m.o. is a song title from my favorite astrowind.

i made a render engine in QC (very test) what is able to render out generative stuff with many post-processing methods.

the first test i uploaded to’s visualberlin account.


quick equitation

17 11 2009

During my daily visit of the kineme site i found an interesting topic.

‘noonanon’ mentioned that he is trying to involve some equitations, that he found at the site of Paul Bourke.

Why not. I gave a try, and carefully i choose the ‘baseball seam curve’. Never heard this name before.

this is the ‘official’ result, so i expected something totally different.:)

the equitation looks like this:

x = sin(pi/2 – (pi/2 – a) cos(t)) cos(t/2 + a sin(2 t))

y = sin(pi/2 – (pi/2 – a) cos(t)) sin(t/2 + a sin(2 t))

z = cos(pi/2 – (pi/2 – a) cos(t))

well i put everything in an iterator, and i tried to get this curve from points.

After several improvements i got the first ‘less annoying’ result with a spline:

ok, its still not the ‘official result’, but something.

well i added some more parameters (basically i changed the fix input of the equitation to a random one) and i got more funny result, of course far from the original one.

well lets summarizz this:

1. many things working good with a simple mathematical expression, without the javascript.

2. its enough fast with 666 iterations, maybe with javascript a bit slower (i just immagine)

3. was easy to involve the equitation (almost 3 *copypaste )


what about a mad equitation?:)


[VIMEO 7626853]

curly code update

12 11 2009

After curly code has been presented on creativeapplications, and some of my friends are really interested to test my app., today i made the first biggest step, i made a mailing list (waoo).

If you are interested to get information about the project don’t hesitate to subscribe:


this picture is a screenshot from CC, using the new movie loop player (background, foreground or mask).

There are several ideas in my mind how to step forward, i am making some research, but i feel some missing points. And also i want to involve sound as well (coordinates to osc message, drawing parameters as well). So maybe it will become  an A/V instrument.


this picture showing another setup with servando’s custom circuit. Its another posibility to leave open some slots for the sensors. (this was very funny to draw with two pontetiometers- x,y coordinates).

And the last part is the touchscreen, touch table ideas. Now i’am planning to make my own, lets see what  can do with more fingers.

let’s keep in touch!

The big Balaton project

1 11 2009

Its time to present this project,in  a bit detailed way. Here is a brief intro:

Picture 49

So my main task was to make the multimedia and the installation part of the exhibition with the two head artists, Peter Forgacs and Gusztav Hamos. It was a great experience to follow, and create this whole exhibition structure from the early ideas, to the end.


I was more than happy, to use a bit programming (QC), and some advanced technology, like mapping.


For the vernissage, we prepared a special A/V show, what i mentioned before, with Thea Soti and with her jazz band. These songs are all related with the lake balaton, lets say a dose of retro, but remade in a smooth jazzy style.





So the exhibition is open until 15th of january, in the Collegium Hungaricum Berlin.

(Dorotheenstr. 12., Mitte)