from Pompidou with glitches

7 08 2013

Last week i was able to visit Center of Pompidou and see my creation in the show. It worked well, its time to think about the future of touch.GL.

Here are several images of the kids who visited the show at the last day.

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imperfliction -online show

30 08 2011

Online show by  Brandon Blommaert and by me. Hosted by Fach & Asendorf Gallery, and a special thanks to Kim Asendorf.

What is imperfliction then:

A terrifying psychological illness where the
patient is worried that he/she is unbearably attractive, and will go to
pathological lengths to remedy this unhappy state of affairs.

in this case its all about forms…


Made with quartz composer, with the kind support of V002, 1024 architecture and bangnoise.

CurlyCode- Screenplay

15 04 2011

Screenplay event is over, it was a great success. Lots of guests, good vibration and sometimes not enough space for seating. We started with a solid podium discussion at 3pm and finished with a solid after party at 3am, but between total craziness.

podium discussion (from left to right: me, Mia Makela, Sandra Neumann, Aude Francoise, Yro, Can Togay) on the screen Mr Greenaway.

At the begin of the night i played my CurlyCode performance with the live music of Anorganik.

and here is a quick edit of the performance:

letzz start

19 07 2009

new name new logo

well, its time to change: mr.monkeypresso is the past, and pixel noizz is the present. It was a long time ago when we started the vj group called monkeypresso, and after just the solo mr.monkeypresso. It was all about  VJ-ing, but my interest slowly transformed forward to a more expanded field of ‘live visualism’. This summer (2009) i presented the ‘serpendity’ performance in rome at LPM. And after everything has just simply changed in me. Something like that.