gl.selfie -failed selfies

30 07 2014

I have been working on my application (running on android), this version is about selfie creation in a glitchy way. I think it is really interesting when the users not just composing self portraits, but they are starting to use different decomposing  options. The final selfie become saved and uploaded, published as a realtime result. I presented this project in Budapest during a one night show.

2014_7_28_20_8_7584708 2014_7_28_24_26_7842577 2014_7_28_45_40_12716766 2014_7_28_46_40_1976420 2014_7_28_47_3_9199476 2014_7_28_57_32_9828753 2014_7_28_56_55_9791466 2014_7_28_59_11_9927169 2014_7_28_10_16_6992373-2 2014_7_28_15_47_10923907