failed memories, the 4th selection

12 11 2013

Here is a new selection from my ‘failed memories’. I have been starting to experiment with new solutions, like the ‘augmented portraits’.



In these images I apply the notion or phenomenon of „ lack of time”. When I started to develop the ‘Failed memories’ series, my intention was to examine and involve  the notion of time as a factor into my images. To put it more simple, to visualise the factor and importance of time in the mechanisms of the memory, as  without time there is no memory.


I wanted to create an algorithm which needs time to modify the image. More precisely in memory (=image) the traces of the passing of the time is visible. The characteristics of the feedback memory is attempted to be visualized, as it can be told that the process of melting is really similar sometimes, creating linear like visual elements. This is how I imagine the passing of the time in the operation of the memory.

Of course i’am working on some ‘classic failed memories’ compositions, here is a small preview:



Murphy, the story of a fireman: Murphy was the best fireman in the city, he stopped all the fires, until one day there was a fire in his mothers house… 


Jack and Jacob were friends for a long time. they spent their childhood together, they went to the same school, and finally they both became astronauts, but… but there was just one place left in the spaceship. 




Neil and Perry aka the crossderessers


The full series are here and here.

Touch.GL vs. failed memories

4 07 2013


Iam experimenting with touch.GL and Failed Memories. Here are the first results. What i really like, is the way how i can have direct acces to the  composition, i mean i can use my own fingers to place the image errors. In the code i used many random parameters, so these compositions  are all unique, there is no undo and option to create the same transformation again. This is why i think is a good tool, because iam spending more and more time to work on the composition side.


wayne and joseph

“this memory was captured in 1976 when wayne and joseph decided to remain friends for the rest of their life. Unfortunately Joseph became unstabile and decided to stop all the relations with the external world. This transformation shows, how his memory changed after this crisis. “


the story of billy