Client work Custo

23 01 2010

I made a fashion style lounge visual for the fashion designer Custo Barcelona.


for this kind of visual i used the software called Modul8, because:

-live composing with up to 5 layers

-different kind of input materials (flash, graphics, movies and some QC stuff)

– very easy colorizzing. 

I hope next time i will have some dmx stuff as well, and i can control the colors of the lights.



event name: CUSTO BARCELONA After-Show-Party
client: Sebastian Professional
organized by Daniel Matis
photos by Kriszta Turna
live visuals by David Szauder 
CHB berlin 2010

opera visuals

13 01 2010

I was invited to make an opera style live visual in berlin. The opera singer was Andrea Rost, world famous hungarian wonder. It was a big challenge, with massive research in different movie archives, to find the exact footage.

For the live part i used VDMX, because its always handy if i need to use decent number of movie footage, and i needed the possibility to sign some important points of the movie, and easily jump there. 

And yes i made some custom QC effects, using  Vade’s film effects. The vignette and the white diffusion is more than handy with this kind of old film materials. 

pictures are from the rehearse.