interactive playground

26 12 2010

I was inspired by George Toledo‘s latest compositions. I started to think  how should i involve interaction patch into my stuff. The first trial was a simple composition made with spline, iteration and interaction. I got some nice forms:



The white circles are the start and the end points of the splines (real bezier stuff with handles is possible as well), with the interaction patch iam able to arrange the structures and to manipulate it.

Later i decided to include some glitchy stuff (digital of course)


So i added this four color quads. These are the interactive control points of the glitch parameters. I tried just the glitch part without structure.



the result is really nice because with the interactive points i can  control smoothly the glitch parameters, and i can try more combinations.

It would be nice of course to have a touch table or touch screen and play with my ten fingers. Maybe next year.

My last idea was a more simple method, using the 5 color rectangles (control points) to generate the feedback and glitch it. This is working like a double interaction, because with the manipulation of the rectangles iam controlling also the feedback and the parameters as well.

some results are here:


g_p_g work in progress

15 12 2010

After i survived this year, i started to make something with g_p_g. I hope at the end of the year i can put an update.

And here is a version for pixelmator:

stay tuned…


11 12 2010

Yesterday i found randomly this software called pixelmator. Iam not a big fun of photo editor softwares, i mean i use thenif i really need t, but this one has a couple of advantages. First of all it is compatible with quartz composer, lets say with the ´image unites´ and ´qtz´ files formatted in the right way. Thats an interesting point for me. In the last couple of months i produced a lot of digital pictures with quartz composer, now i know how to export a higher resolution image, but this solution is even better, for example the possibility to select just a part of the picture and to modify it.


let me explain how it worked for me:

1. first lets create a whatever you want filter,it can be a simple process or you can involve a more complex tool. The most important thing is to have an image input and an image output. So for this case it is better to use the ´image filter´ template when you start QC. You will see the two required nodes (image input, image output). If you use something complex (for example 3d object) the you need to put the renderer in an ´Render in Image´ node.

2. if everything is fine, and both of the required image nodes connected, then you will see that idiot yellow flower as a test picture within the process of your filter. If you want to define the category of your filter, then go to ´editor´ menu in QC and then choose the ´edit protocol conformance´.Save your composition somewhere, doesnt matter where, because you have to move anyway. The destination folder is just accessible by copying files, no direct save.

3. The destination folder is in your ´system-library-composition´. Copy the stuff there, and start the ´pixelmator´. The filter will be on the right place.

4. if you have something what is moving, but you want to use a non moving filter, then the solution should be to make an external timebase.

5. All parameter can be published, just as in VDMX.

here are my first trials (both are from PXN_filter stuff):

other advantages: cheaper then photoshop, and as i´ve seen with almost the same power. I like the style of the interface. And a lot of new file formats.

and many more, but i would like to talk about two very (glitch) friendly file formats:

1. ´WebP´ image is a smaller file but working very well with databending, the result is a kind of datamoshed image. Good tolerance.

this picture is a photo with extreme strong colors, exported as ´WebP´, made a strong databend, then read back to pixelmator, and exported as a tiff.

2. DCX file format, what is  a ZSoft (?) IPM PC (??) multi-page Paintbrush image. Interesting, because after a light databend it looses a part of the background.

thats it.




classic vs. digital

7 12 2010

During the last two weeks i made a small experiment, how to make ‘classic’ databending. I wanted to understand how does it works, what are more or less the possibilities, and finally how i can involve in to my experiments and artworks. One of my favorite result is this one. Please watch the full resolution version to see the details. It doesn’t matter what was the original picture. (just as a short info: vector format- lo res gif- high res psd- high res png and channel correction in quartz composer).

My ‘digital’ works are more or less made with the video card and opengl bending, digital feedbacks and some quartz composer artifacts. That methods is sometimes very technical. The classic bending seems a bit more exploring the unknown or get really unexpected result.  I think i don’t want to do just this one or that one, the two things can work together.

here is a list of people who’s works helps me a lot:




and of course

Rosa Menkman


Meditation about the image architecture

1 12 2010

Interactive installation of mine, based on the manifesto of Lajos Kassak from 1921.

Based on the human movements as manipulation of the different objects from the original piece.  And yes its a kind of meditation game, because the user has to learn a bit how to manipulate as many object as possible on both of the 3 screens. All the objects can be moved from one screen to another, so many variations is achievable.

The objects manipulations can generate different sounds as well, i tried to arrange the sound in a real 3d space (well lets say now its stereo:)

All programmed in Quartz Composer, using Kineme CV tools (open CV technology) with different self developed treshold technics.

The sound part is realized with the great help of Servando Barreiro, and made in Pure Data.

Additional infos on the flyer here: