new interactive visual year

2 01 2011

I started to play with vdmx b8 and i realized some really interesting features. The most fancy one is how to use your qc interactive patch in vdmx.

the method is presented here:
[VIMEO 17929503]

so i jumped in immediately, i ported my interactive glitch patch mentioned earlier:

All the small colored form is working in the preview window as 2d controllers, without 25 minutes of setup. I like the idea how the controller elements will be the part of the live performance.

next adventure will be to make finally my gestural tablet controller:

[VIMEO 5019365]

happy new year!

opera visuals

13 01 2010

I was invited to make an opera style live visual in berlin. The opera singer was Andrea Rost, world famous hungarian wonder. It was a big challenge, with massive research in different movie archives, to find the exact footage.

For the live part i used VDMX, because its always handy if i need to use decent number of movie footage, and i needed the possibility to sign some important points of the movie, and easily jump there. 

And yes i made some custom QC effects, using  Vade’s film effects. The vignette and the white diffusion is more than handy with this kind of old film materials. 

pictures are from the rehearse.


20 10 2009

So the main project of this autumn just happened, lets say its over, so slowly iam back to the world of A/V. Its not true, i made an A/V live act during the balaton project with Thea Soti and her excellent jazz band. It has been recorded, and will be publish soon.

some of the setup photos are here:



Setup based on triplhead2go (thanks to Ilan), one big screen (huge) with an evil 10k Chritie beamer, and two smaller screens (thanks to Cypher). I used VDMX this time, because thats  fast enough to setup, and easy to crop,  and many more reasons. I used DV Pal size footage, and yes it was reliable.

Thea and the band played 5 songs, original hungarian Balaton based retro songs, and we made a small concept for every song.

In the meantime many things happened in the ‘small’ QC world, i dont want to write a short story, so the important ones for me:

1. sound in QC. A not well-covered, but very impressive topic. And Dust, made a very important step: DLSSynth AU Component. And yes its working. Why its so important? This is the first step, when a custom patch is using outside sound generator (this is the DLSSynth), and the next step could be that QC  integrate  AU components. Isadora Core Audio edition is doing the same, but not using  any virtual synths or others, only the AU effects .  Here is an example  for AU synth from Sam:


Picture 17


2. Quartz Builder 1.2 with parameter display, and multi sampling. Great work Kineme!


Picture 16

Picture 15

Picture 14