UnCredited performance of mine

6 09 2009

Yes thats it. Browsing vimeo, finding archive from vjfestist2008 (istanbul) with ‘my performance’. Wow i sad. They uploaded it. Nice, but where iam, its ok that we did with littlegenie togeother, and many people were dancing, and generating the pictures, but hoho it was me who patched this in isadora. And yes thats me who standing behind the computerand testing the greenscreen. What happend? Iam fired from my performance:)

Here is the gui what i made for it. Its a motion tracking system, what can generate new forms, from pictures, movies, fonts. Utilizing the new (it was new in 2008) particle system of Isadora. I participated in an advanced workshop of Mark Coniglio,who made take care, to let us understand what’s going on with advanced features.


Well thats it. Sad story, isn’t it? I hope they are going to correct it.  And yes here is the video what i’am talking about:
[VIMEO 3117174]