Abused Images

13 10 2011

I took part in the exhibition called “abuse images” in hungary. There are 5 prints and some animated gifs from my triangle experiments, mentioned earlier.

The concept is very interesting, because this exhibition is more like a photographic biennial , but none of the artists made any photo based image composition, most of them used different image corruption technics, lets call it failures.

My notion was to involve generative forms with artifacts.

click to see the animation.

and here is a video what i made with the same patch:


The big Balaton project

1 11 2009

Its time to present this project,in  a bit detailed way. Here is a brief intro:

Picture 49

So my main task was to make the multimedia and the installation part of the exhibition with the two head artists, Peter Forgacs and Gusztav Hamos. It was a great experience to follow, and create this whole exhibition structure from the early ideas, to the end.


I was more than happy, to use a bit programming (QC), and some advanced technology, like mapping.


For the vernissage, we prepared a special A/V show, what i mentioned before, with Thea Soti and with her jazz band. These songs are all related with the lake balaton, lets say a dose of retro, but remade in a smooth jazzy style.





So the exhibition is open until 15th of january, in the Collegium Hungaricum Berlin.

(Dorotheenstr. 12., Mitte)