Failed memory of Leo & Pipo

14 01 2013

French artists Leo&Pipo have been asking me to participate in their collaborative project. Its an honour, because they are making really amazing collages and a lot of elegant street art stuff.

here is a small preview of their works.

My result is a kind of attribute of Leo&Pipo, adding some pop art cliches and a lot of random patterns. These random patterns are mostly memory glitches from my own taste, but i have been keeping the option to compose the image deeply.

here is the result:



glitches and bus tops

2 03 2012

I was invited to show a couple of my works in the project called bus tops. The administrator of the glitch art flicker group Dodd asked me to present some of my moving glitch images on the the led screens of some london based bus stops.

here si the full list of the artists:

Pixel Noizz
Ben Baker-Smith

and a really nice introduction to the glitch art section:


please click on the images for the animated version


22 01 2011

Today i created a new pxn realtime plugin, the fiducializer. It can be a good example how to destroy qualified video materials, but before i start a small tale, i would like to talk about the facts.

What is a fiducial?

fiduciary marker or fiducial is an object used in the field of view of an imaging system which appears in the image produced, for use as a point of reference or a measure. It may be either something placed into or on the imaging subject, or a mark or set of marks in the reticle of an optical instrument.

(from wikipedia)

here is it:

Special signs, looks like amoebas. But the interesting point is the special aesthetics. Really minimal design but somehow really lovely.

There other geeks (i mean artists of course) already involved this little creatures in a creative process, for example Toxi but my point was to involve the markers in a realtime video process.

here is the first result:


i forgot to mention the home base of the fiducial markers :

g_p_g work in progress

15 12 2010

After i survived this year, i started to make something with g_p_g. I hope at the end of the year i can put an update.

And here is a version for pixelmator:

stay tuned…

g_p_g update

23 12 2009

I made an update for g_p_g, with more effects, modes, corruption mode. pattern generators, picture input and many more.

i will write more detailed instruction soon, for now just a readme file.

g.p.g. update soon

1 12 2009

After sharing the second alpha version and let the folks play with my toy, i found this very nice video from m~fischer.


The ‘creativeapplications’ site, wrote a nice review with  a small demo video. After all iam totally motivated to continue my experimentz with realtime glitch generation, and sharing my results (the applications), so here is a couple of new screenshots from the upcoming version of g.p.g. .3 alpha.

picture loader:

pixelator mode:

line generator (working with mouse control):


triangle mode:

improved pixelnoizz effect:


so, just a couple of days, and will be available.

glitch pattern generator

22 11 2009

If you wish to generate some glitch-patterns from your webcam or from existing mov-files, and you have osx leo or later then pls. scroll down, download and try it. (alpha!!!)

ok then, let see how does it works:

1. after the start up screen push command+i

2. you will need a source, the movie is the default (so you need to drop a ‘mov’ file to the ‘dropyourmovie’ field), or choose the webcam with the ‘movie/live’ switcher.

3. in this version you have pixel or(and) line renderer (you can switch with the enable)

4. there are 3 different play modes as linear (rendering from left to right) or glitchy mode or the symmetrical player.

5. you can apply effects from the list.

6. with the adjust of the ‘resize’ methods you can get different results and also you can animate the ‘resize pixels high’ with the switcher ‘animatehigh’. After enable the animate you can use the slider to adjust the level of the animation.

7. line offset is easy, working in ‘enableline’ mode, but if you animate with the ‘animateline’ switchers, the sliders are working only with bigger number then zero.

8. if you have some nice result stop with the ‘run’ switcher and make a screenshot (now its just working with the command+shift+F4) later will be picture renderer.

9. if you have a nice screenshot, don’t forget to send me, i will be more than happy:)

10. pixelnoizz switcher is working in pixelmode.

tip: try it with more combinations and use different movies (old film, black background animation or whatever)

Conclusion: its a toy, a test application for glitch and non glitch lovers. 

Made with quartz composer. Credits: Kineme GL tools, Vade‘s movie loader (saved the project) and glitch (for glitch effect) and Toneburst‘s reflect (for symmetrical player).

more pictures:

Picture 40