roBOt.02 -serpendity

23 09 2009

I played Serpendity twice during the Robot festival in Bologna, this is a short version of the second one.

The whole performance is almost 34 mins; recorded by Lara Agnoletti.

[VIMEO 6706300]

roBOt.02 -first part

22 09 2009

Yes, its happend. A well organized festival, with many nice people, in a very nice town, in a very nice place. It was a pleasure for me.


I made serpendity A/V twice (first day one and second day earlier one),  workshop and a small vjing as well. The details about the festival will come later, but for now a couple of screenshots, because i was able to test CurlyCode with triplehead (thanks Ilan).

Picture 53Picture 55Picture 56Picture 57Picture 59Picture 60Picture 61Picture 62Picture 63

every start is difficult

12 09 2009

Working on the Balaton-project and preparing the showcase of  the CurlyCurly for Bologna, i don`t have too much time for the ‘new QC’. That means i have already started couple of projects, but they are  not  big issues.
But finally this afternoon, i made some tests with the ‘mesh’ tools.
Screen shot 2009-09-12 at 6.37.02 PM

The ‘get mesh component’ seems very handy (and missed from the previous version), but earlier i couldnt find my way to utilizz it. Well now, i used it to generate the coordinates of  the input objects (collada what else), and as Kineme GL tools are (thanks God-Hashim) SL-compatible, i was able to rebuild  3d objects with lines, points and triangles.

Screen shot 2009-09-12 at 6.55.20 PM

From this point the formula was so easy as i just needed to generate an alternative structure and interpolate the coordinates between the 2 structures.

And yes, we have many ‘built-in’ mesh deformers as well, to play with (noizz, jiggle, twist, wave and more).

So what now?

lets use the new INTERACTIVE possibilities:

open an object first, after manipulate with the interactive possiblities, as the vertices from this point are modifiable by ‘get and set mesh component’. What more, in QC4 you are able to manipulate each instance in a structure by the new interactive possibility.

Screen shot 2009-09-12 at 6.57.22 PM

And its just the beginning:)

UnCredited performance of mine

6 09 2009

Yes thats it. Browsing vimeo, finding archive from vjfestist2008 (istanbul) with ‘my performance’. Wow i sad. They uploaded it. Nice, but where iam, its ok that we did with littlegenie togeother, and many people were dancing, and generating the pictures, but hoho it was me who patched this in isadora. And yes thats me who standing behind the computerand testing the greenscreen. What happend? Iam fired from my performance:)

Here is the gui what i made for it. Its a motion tracking system, what can generate new forms, from pictures, movies, fonts. Utilizing the new (it was new in 2008) particle system of Isadora. I participated in an advanced workshop of Mark Coniglio,who made take care, to let us understand what’s going on with advanced features.


Well thats it. Sad story, isn’t it? I hope they are going to correct it.  And yes here is the video what i’am talking about:
[VIMEO 3117174]

CurlyCode update

2 09 2009

As i wrote before curly code alpha 1.1 is ready for the alpha testers, and presented last week during the share event.

I made several development, and mostly i added the SuperSpline instance, as one of the drawing mode


Picture 18

I made some colorizzing experiment as well, but the easiest way to add colors its not looking so good. That means that i have to make individual structures for the color channels, and its more work.

Picture 21

30.4 fps its not so bad.

I added also a new shader, for the deformation, and with the SuperSpline instance i got some nice clean results

Picture 45

Picture 52

For this variation the rendering speed is very nice, and this shader is more colorizable, then the classic vertex noizz, from the developer examples.

This version (1.2) will be presented during my showcase during the robot festival bologna, and hopefully not just there.

I made an experiment video for SuperSpline:
[VIMEO 6332147]