pop “artifactized”

12 04 2012

When iam working with human faces, i usually choose anonymous portraits or self portraits. There are some exceptions, for example the one which i made for the memory of  Amy or lately when i used a Mao Cetung portrait photo.
When iam using existing images i always use different search options and when the portrait of Mao came randomly, it was a bit surprise. I decided to choose it. I repeat: it was a decision. Why not “pop it” my glitches.   This one with mao was a unique case, in the middle of my spam experiment, and i decided to develop an image something like this: Mao with my spams.
In the middle of the work i got an email, someone wanted to write an article about the recycling of Maos portraits. I got in and made a kind of statement. And she made a nice article but i feel important to add some feedbacks afterhand:
– the pop art line in my work is not that strong and heavy, i do like pop art and yes i admire it, but don’t want to turn glitch art in to pop art or into a “new cyber pop art”. I just simply use glitch and image errors as tools to express my artistic purposes.
– the bright colours feeling is totally random, this image published on the site is using different feedbacks and blend errors. I didn’t want to qualify Mao with colours, i just followed my choleric experience to stabilize the composition.
-yes iam coming from an ex communist country but the point is that i don’t want to talk about bloody dictators or qualify eras, i just wanted to try to find the place for these idols in my imaginary world.
and just for this post one more  Mao image:

glitches and bus tops

2 03 2012

I was invited to show a couple of my works in the project called bus tops. The administrator of the glitch art flicker group Dodd asked me to present some of my moving glitch images on the the led screens of some london based bus stops.

here si the full list of the artists:

Pixel Noizz
Ben Baker-Smith

and a really nice introduction to the glitch art section:


please click on the images for the animated version

all made by triangles

12 09 2011

Iam preparing for an exhibition in Hungary at the end of September. I will show some digital prints and animated gifs. Basically its just a couple of triangles generating an artifact. In a certain setup this artifact is totally controllable and i was able to play with some more parameters. The result is more like an optical vision, but the artifact is enough deeply present to break the perfection of these images.

All are animated gifs, please click them:


and here is a video:

what a difference- with generative content

6 05 2011

I just updated my ‘what a difference’ project with some generative content and more random values.

At the final feedback i put a simple transform to push the translation horizontally.

See the demo video here: